A walk on the beach.

Time flies. There is nothing more certain in this world. No fact is more truer than this. Even though it walks on slowly, right now, when you are looking at it; but sometime later when you are not observing it, you’ll suddenly realize that how far you have come, on this journey of time.

Still, there are moments when times slows down, when you are really alive in the moment, all of your senses reveling in the present, only present.

This happens when you are with someone you care, with your family, your friends or someone you’ve fallen for. It is these moments that we live for, that our heart craves, and long for and so much desire. Below is a story of one such moment, a trip to Goa, where I was with my best of friends, when time slowed down, and it felt as if every moment was a lifetime.

Read it here –Β A walk on the beach

And this is dedicated to my friendΒ Ankita, whom I met here -on WordPress, and whose love for life is what I really admire.Β  Ankita, I hope this changes your perception about me. πŸ˜›

. Β . Β .

15 thoughts on “A walk on the beach.

    1. Hi Krati… missed you .. busy with exams or something??

      As an admin every post is dedicated to you πŸ™‚ And very nice DP πŸ™‚

      I’m very bad at this, nomination and all -a little introvert I’m πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HAhah… thnks.. πŸ˜€ for both the compliments πŸ™‚ hahaa being introvert is expected from eengineers so m not surprised.. πŸ˜›
        Btw m introvert too.. πŸ™‚

        And yeh was having exams.. and now a 20 day gap.. ☺ have to catch up on so many posts i missed.. haha.. πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh so you know engineers.. *phew* -then no need pretending.. πŸ˜‰ .. how did the exams go ? and the time always exams is always fun… enjoy πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      3. HAhah.. but I thought MBA should have changed that aspect though . πŸ˜‚πŸ˜›

        Examsss… well… what do I say… i better keep numb. It was very much theory and idk how my university will react to my paper.. πŸ˜› still have 3 more subjects left πŸ˜›

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yeah.. MBA did good. Now an ambivert. πŸ˜› yes.. Exams are always like this..better to be done and forgotten… And I’m sure they will react just fine…all the best for the rest πŸ™‚

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